terça-feira, outubro 07, 2008

Homem de Lata

Um pouco de alegria nesse mar de tristeza.

6 comentários:

Peter Breese disse...

Wonderful robo! I really like what you did with the eye.

abhishek singh disse...

THANX for droppin by friend:)
i'll be visitin often

Alexandre Augusto Ferreira disse...

Muito bons os desenhos que vi por aqui!

paperclip disse...

a lonely robot seeks for a heart
thats was a really a cool artwork
but only if i can understand the languange, it should be more meaningful

Rodrigo disse...

Muito expressivo esse!

C. Lyons disse...

i love the emotion in this mechanical character. the concept of a robot crying is very moving because when he cries, it rusts his body, yet he smiles.
